Thursday, July 11, 2013

I'm baaaacccckkk!

Hi there!

I'm doubt my ramblings were missed much but I really enjoy blogging. It's a great outlet for me and I can't wait to have this printed out so boys can later enjoy my ramblings also lol

So quick recap of past 3 months:

* busy
* busy
* busy

That pretty much sums up the past 3 months. Seriously, highlights include but not limited to:

A super fun trip to South Carolina to see my little brother graduate college. Sheesh...if I didn't feel old, I sure do now! So proud of him!! He is now on a mission trip in Uganda, praying for him daily and love hearing his updates!

Gavin graduated preschool ::sniff sniff:: Bittersweet because we are so very proud of him but he is growing too quickly! I simply cannot believe he will be going to Kindergarten this year. He will be in school from 8:30-3:30. On the rough days where nothing keeps him happy, I look forward to these days but I am really going to miss him.


We went camping with friends, same place we went last year. So very much fun!! I am NOT a camper. I would much rather stay in an RV ANYDAY or even a cabin with solid walls and a bathroom. The past 2 years we have stayed in tents. We have gone to Frontiertown in Ocean City, Maryland and it is perfect for the kiddos.

We bought a house,

Those ginormous tress by front door will be gone very, very, very soon! There are Christmas lights still in them that I am guessing have grown into the tree by now! We will be moving in beginning of August. In the meantime it is being cleaned, painted completely (even ceilings!), refinish hardwood floors, new carpet upstairs and replacing front door.

And listed our current house for sale,

It was officially listed on June 17 or there abouts. I can't remember. We have had a few showings and so far received great feedback but no offers yet. Keep us in your prayers for a sale soon!!!

You may ask yourself why we are moving.....I am pretty sure Marcin and I have reassured each other for the past 3 months that while it is a ridiculous amount of work, in the long will be worth it. Marcin will be closer to work, the boys will attend school in Red Clay School District and it will also give us more options for middle school and high school. We looked in this area initially but were really discouraged by the homes.....older homes, higher prices and a lot of work needed. It was also intimidating to see these houses that needed so much work. So clearly, a new construction home was much more appealing. In retrospect, we should have sucked it up and just bought a house in Pike Creek/Hockessin but for some reason I guess that just wasn't meant to be. Plus we have learned a lot of things that we would have done different so it may have worked out for the best. We love our current house! We have put a lot of love, tlc, stress, tears and most of all money into. Hopefully potential buyers can see that and want it for their home.

The new house will be beautiful once we are finished with it! The previous owner lived there for seven years and I would be willing to wager he didn't clean it in all those years he lived there. I spent almost 4 hours cleaning the kitchen on Tuesday...I still have to get the shop vac on top of cabinets and wipe out all cabinets. The kitchen needs to be replaced since it is original oak cabinets with cream....yes, CREAM appliances lol I have grand plans for the kitchen design but until then, I will be painting cabinets white and counter tops. Hoping to get new stainless steel appliances in a few months and replace cabinets and counter tops with granite in a couple of years. They are nice cabinets just outdated.

One of my absolute favorite parts is the mudroom!! It is so unbelievable functional & large and that makes me so very happy!!! It leads to the garage and there is a door to the deck from mudroom. So kids can strip down in there from pool or outside and not track it inside the entire house.

Did I mention new house has a pool?!?! This was actually clean, I was SHOCKED! lol We weren't looking for a pool but it wasn't a deal breaker either. It makes me nervous with the kids but I have a top lock for every door in house. There is a fence and locked gate around pool that they cannot get into unless an adult helps them.  We were all there Tuesday and the boys had a great time in the pool!! Even Jakob was swimming around :-) The happiness and smiles on their faces made all the craziness and stress disappear....for a few minutes. It was pure bliss :-D

So while things are crazier than usual here, you do what you have to do to get through it. Eventually our home will sell and I will cry because I will miss it. We brought our babies home to this house, they did all of their first here. I have no doubt we will be making great memories at the new house also. I see many sunny summer days by the pool....probably in the rain if anything like this summer :-)

Stay tuned for a lot of before and after. Painters are in this week, I can't wait to see the changes!!!

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