Monday, April 2, 2012

This week has started off great!!!

 For one is a sunny day!! That alone makes me happy!!!

I have been looking at foyer lights for almost a year!!! we found one we liked at Home Depot but it was expensive and we didn't want to spend that much on a light :/ But I have a strong hatred for the one we currently have so something had to give! Being the bargain hunter that I am, I started searching Craigslist and Ebay for a light. I found this one on ebay,

Simple and not the right color but I can easily fix that for the cost I got it for :-) And again, a good deal!!!

We have also been looking for a new table for the kitchen area. Our current table has served us well. We bought it for our first home almost 9 years ago, from Ikea of course. Where else do you go to furnish your first home as a young couple?! lol It is becoming a little worn out and let's be honest, I could put a table cloth on it but with 3 you really think the tablecloth and whatever is on it will stay on the table? LOL absolutely not! We did not want to spend a lot of money on a new table. 3 young boys = destroy table. I just didn't think it would survive much longer and we needed something to get us through the next few years that we would allow the boys to eat on, hehe I was just perusing Craigslist earlier today and  stumbled across this table,

It's an 8 piece set for a great deal! The couple selling it are moving back to KOP and don't want to take the table! Only two out of the 6 chairs have been used and it has a leaf for holidays and other partay's we may have. So I called and crossed my fingers it wasn't some crazy person trying to sell this lol I got myself and the boys ready and in car in record time, ran over to check out the table and was back home all within 30 minutes and right in time for naps, whew! She was very nice and we are hopefully going to be able to pick it up tomorrow!

So very excited about these purchases!!!!! I guess it does pay to be patient but when I see something I like...I want to get it, like yesterday so I don't miss out on a good deal :-P

Our weekend was lots of fun despite the dreary, rainy weather. I really hope the weather is nice this weekend for Easter. The past 2 weekends have been cloudy and rainy, ew!

Saturday Gavin started swim lessons. Initially he was not crazy about it when he found out I wouldn't be going with him. Then he met his swim teacher and the 3 other children in the class and warmed up pretty quickly. So quickly that he felt comfy enough to get out of pool to check out the door...only gavin :-P
I also discovered while there that there is a Mommy & Me swim class going on at the same time as Gavin's swim class. Next session, I am hoping to alternate weeks with J&K while Gavin takes his class. I spoke with the manager there and she said it would be fine to do that, yippee!!! I know Jakob will love it...not so sure about Kaleb :-P

After swim Gavin and I ran home for lunch and then went to his school for an Easter Egg Hunt. Gavin has no clue how an Easter Egg hunt goes. Last year we attempted but he could have cared less. This year, he got ONE egg :-P He was much more interested in the "BIIIIIIIGGGG bounce castle" and " GIANT slide" than anything else. He had a blast and I went on the giant slide also, I have to was fun! Then he finally warmed up to the fire truck. I do want to mention that it has been in my mind to do a fire truck party for Gavin's 4th birthday. After seeing him spend at least 30 minutes on this fire truck, I am thinking that is what we will do :-) He had so much fun exploring the fire truck. Not to mention the amount of doors on a fire me, he found them all! The firemen thought it was great :-)
Love this pic, even his silly smile :-)
=0 A DOOR!!!!

He had such a great time!!! This also got me to thinking....a couple of years ago a neighbor had a fire truck come to their house for the kids to come see. And a friend had a similar party last year in chicago (hi keeley!).  I wondered if we did the fire truck party if I could get a fire truck here as a surprise for Gavin! So I called around this morning (yep....I am fully aware of my issues and the fact that it is only April and I am already thinking about July) to the fire houses to inquire about my idea. I ended up speaking with the Deputy Chief who said they would be happy to come to our house for 30 minutes or so, so the kids could see the fire truck! AWESOME! I am so excited!!! My dad was a fireman and I have such great memories when it comes to things like this:-) And yes, I will admit.....I will be starting on invites and all party related things soon. Don't judge....this is how I work :-P

yesterday i got my hair cut, highlights and i was talked into bangs! I havent had bangs since i was 14...15. my bangs were teased up really high and alot of hairspray ;-) After all that nervousness, I like them :-) I will definitely be keeping them for a bit. I posted pic on FB yesterday but for those of you not on FB, here ya go :-)

J&K are waking up from their naps but I'll leave you a couple more pics of J&K from this morning. Whenever Gavin is sitting with me watching a show, J&K spot us and instantly run over to sit with us too. so cute :-) Usually they will both try to sit on top of Gavin. Gavin sometimes tolerates this and other times, not so much. This morning he was not in the mood. Jakob picked up on this pretty quickly and decided it would be a better idea to tackle Kaleb, hehe!!! And the funniest part is that Jakob has done this for a few months.....Kaleb will run away after taking toy from Jakob, only for Jakob to catch him from behind and take him down to get his toy back. Kaleb is not a fan of Jakob doing this or sitting on him. Just recently Kaleb has started sitting on Jakob...Jakob also not a fan but so cute to watch them interact and snuggle with each other. So this morning, Jakob got Kaleb and being the awesome mom that I am, I had to snap some pics hehe

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