Monday, October 10, 2011

Week 2....

...... minus 4 lbs! I'll take it! So far it's not too bad. Especially since I made my modifications :-) I usually have one scrambled egg and a whole grain toast for breakfast. My coffee...of course. Much needed with 3 wild boys lol Then I do 3 Medifast meals, my own dinner....really I eat whatever everyone else is eating but small portion and then a Medifast snack before bed. I am sure if I followed the plan 100% I may have lost more but I am happy with 4. It worked for me and because of that, I am more motivated to stick with it :-)

We took J&K to the ENT doctor today for a follow up hearing test and ear check from their tube surgery. Their ears look perfect! what a relief! They are both pulling on one ear and I was worried but they suggested it could be from teething...which I know this but all the same, ear issues + pulling on ear = immediately think ear infection. So very relieved to know all looks good in their ears :-)

They are both off Prevacid for their reflux also!! I started weaning Jakob a few weeks ago and he did great with it. Then I started with Kaleb and also no problems, whew!!! Thats's some extra money in the bank for us! We are hoping to get rid of their bedtime bottle when we get back from South Carolina in a couple weeks! ::sniff sniff:: as much as I have looked forward to being done with formula, bottles and also means my babies are growing up : / It will be nice to put away the bottle drying rack and get that counter space back! We are going through about 4-5 gallons of milk a week, not bad and much cheaper than formula :-)

Gavin amazes me every day! Today he sat quietly at the table for 20 minutes drawing pictures of me, Jakob and Kaleb. And he even had the eyes and mouth in the right place! Then he proceeded to use his scissors to make volcanoes. He would tell me when it was safe for me to touch the volcanoe and whether it was too hot to touch or not. Like I said, I don't know if he is just maturing or school is playing part....probably a bit of both but the past couple of weeks he has been so much fun! And a much better listener ( i just jinxed myself but that's ok lol)!

I cannot believe it is time for us to get ready to make the drive to South Carolina! I started all my lists over the weekend...I feel pretty prepared. A person should feel prepared when they have 3 lists going so they don't forget things, right?! I went shopping last night for a couple of car activities for Gavin, some drinks and snacks for the cooler. Now I just pray for a safe drive....I get a little anxious making long trips on interstates. It's the other drivers that make me know the ones who are not paying attention, driving at warp speeds and all that. I really hope the boys all have a good day and don't get too angry at us for keeping them stuffed in the car all day : / But it's not the end of the world and they will be fine...Marcin and I will probably need a couple of drinks by the end of the day but we will survive :-)

Thank goodness my dad and Gay already have 2 cribs at their house (THANK YOU!!!), crib sheets, high chairs, diapers, wipes, plates, utensils, sippy cups and all those things that we don't have to pack or worry about! Gay even text me yesterday that they had a baby gate for the steps....I swear I thought she must have been reading my mind because I had just added that my packing list! And they are going to get a few groceries for us so we won't have to worry about that once we get there. We are thankful for those things because it is going to be a long day and that is a lot of things we will not to have worry about :-)

My bestest friend/cousin (it's her brother that is getting married) is bringing us a red velvet cake. This cake is hands down THE best red velvet cake we've ever had. She originally got it for my bridal shower and it was delicious! Most red velvet cakes I get, the icing is just too sweet. This place gets it just is perfect! Marcin and I talked about that cake for a long time and then she brought it again for Gavin's baby shower. And once more last time we were down there. I even checked their website to see if I could have one shipped to Delaware LOL Mind you...this cake is NOT a part of my diet plan but I will be having a sliver (or two) of this cake. Maybe I won't eat the entire day but this is just not something that can be passed up lol If you are ever in Charleston, go here and get this cake!

I doubt I will have time to get back here until after we get back....lots of laundry to do, lots to pack and I would like to clean this house. I hate coming home to a disaster of a house after a vacation :-)

This will be our view on Friday when we wake up.....I love to see the sun coming up over the river (which of course I will since the boys will definitely be up before the sun lol)

My dad even suggested bringing our swimsuits because it has been warm enough to get in the pool...sounds fabulous to me!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

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